This Walking Life

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Story Telling in a Time of Pandemic

I have an idea for this Wednesday night… this email is quite short (a miracle for me, I know), so hear me out. 

I’ve found myself re-reading a number of old books on historical plagues the last few days. One in particular has been speaking to me: Boccaccio’s Decameron.

The Decameron is set during an epidemic that ravaged Florence 650 years ago. Within a larger frame, it’s a collection of 100 stories told by 10 young people who are taking refuge in a country villa outside of Florence during an outbreak of the Black Death. Over their 2 weeks of self-quarantine (sound familiar?), the group takes turns telling stories on different topics not related to the plague (1 topic per night for 10 of the 14 nights). Some tales are tragic, some quite bawdy, some profound, others quite silly.

As we all grapple with the new reality of not being able to leave our homes for some time, of being bombarded by frightening news, of so much uncertainty and scary decisions (that we have to make or are being made to us), all while we are disconnected from each other physically – I’ve been meditating on what we can do to stay connected, purposeful, full of life, and hopeful despite it all

My modest proposal: a 21st century Decameron.

But how can we do that when we are all trapped in different homes you ask? Why over the internet of course! 

So, I am creating a virtual fireplace for anyone who wants to gather together with fellow humans around the globe – to distract, to listen, to share, and to connect over stories which have absolutely nothing to do with the hard things happening the world right now. We all need a few moments of respite, and I believe those are better shared than spent alone. 

If you’d like to join (either Wednesday or future nights) – please fill out this brief form and I’ll send you the details Wednesday morning. 

In the meantime, I hope everyone is staying safe, 

With love,


See this form in the original post